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Fifteen year old Stephen Freayth is the First Minister of Mcarthia. Freayth is also presently the Emperor of the Abeldane Empire and King of Alenshka, and has served and held many intermicronational citizenships and roles for the past five years and has been involved in micronations including Mercia, Paravia, and Breckland. 


He was formerly the Secretary of the American Micronational Cooperation and Secretary of the Micronational Cooperation Group.


Freayth has received several micronational honours and is a Knight of the Order of the Colour, Knight of the Order of St. Stephen, Lieutenant of the Order of the Marquis, Knight of the Order of the Royal Bravia and Knight of the Order of the Urcheon.


Freayth's interests outside micronational life is numismatics, history, books and studying languages.

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