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Kit McCarthy founded the Republic of Mcarthia on the 16th of March, 2016. It offered 'cyber-citizenship' in a bid to expand its populous from the three resident of Mcarthian territory. Citizenship at its peaked reached approximately 22.

The next month the first of many constitutions was published, which named McCarthy as President-for-Life.


Mcarthia benefited greatly from its involvement in the MicroWiki community. This online community provided a platform for, amongst other ventures, RadioMicro, a critically acclaimed internet radio show. Mcarthia's early success is attributed by many to RadioMicro and its later text-based sister agency, themicronational.


The rest of 2015 included the foundation of numerous intermicronational organisations, most of which didn't survive for any great length of time. Mcarthia also found itself involved in the MNTO scandal, and the Pannonian War.

Mcarthia underwent in 2015 a few brief periods of inactivity.


On the 9th of April 2016, Kit McCarthy published the Maelternt, a comprehensive legal document, codifying a constitution, criminal code, and other legislation into one document. While praised for its expansiveness, it was largely ineffective due to a poor judicial framework.


Mcarthia was instrumental in the re-establishment of the Grand Unified Micronational, widely regarded as the most influential intermicronational organisation in the MicroWiki community. President Kit McCarthy worked in tandem with the Emperor of Austenasia to revitalise the organisation from a long period of dormancy.


In July 2016, a diplomatic incident within the Grand Unified Micronational led to Kit McCarthy announcing an immediate withdrawal from the MicroWiki community. Mcarthia was presumed dissolved until the 9th of October 2016, when a new constitution was established and was created.


In recent months, Mcarthia has taken a leading role in the Grand Unified Micronational, and is widely recognised as one of the most legally developed micronations in the MicroWiki community.




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