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Fifteen year old Kit McCarthy is the founder and President of Mcarthia, responsible for its governance over nearly two years.


McCarthy has held many intermicronational roles. A prominent GUM delegate, he is currently the GUM Secretary for Conflict Resolution and Intermicronational Law. He has taken the leadership of a number of intergovernmental organisations. He has also been involved in a legislative capacity in states including Mercia, Beacon City and Valdsland. In Austenasia, he is known as Lord McCarthy, following the foundation of the Austenasian territory Amerdansk.


McCarthy is an experienced micronational lawyer, specialising in public international law and intermicronational litigation. As well as his positions as High Justice and Secretary of State for Justice in Mcarthia, he is also Secretary of State for Justice in the Democratic Union of British States, and Supreme Justice of Breckland.


McCarthy is a Member of the Order of Austenasia, Commander of the Order of St. Bartholomew, Grand Knight of the Order of the Star and Rose, Knight of the Order of Hastings, and has received awards including the Crest of Creative Honour.


Outside his micronational life, the President enjoys composition, playing the French Horn, and walking.


You can read his page on MicroWiki here.

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